What a difference a year makes!

This time a year ago I was asked to do "The way we work" section for the local magazine, Viva Lewes. I had had photographs published in magazines before such as Red and Sussex Life but this was my first commission. 
I had pretty bad conditions, compared to the usual shoots they do. My subjects were all in the dark with floodlights or lack of floodlights. Even in the case of doing the rugby photographs of Billy we had mist and rain. 
Despite this they were very happy with my photographs and so was I. This gave me the confidence to think I could do it as a career. I had been told over the years by many people that I should be a photographer full time. So within the next couple of months I left my job I had been in for fifteen years and set up Mills and King with my cousin. 
I couldn't have done it without the support of family and friends. I am so glad I did as its one of the best decisions I've made. I had always wanted to be a photographer and at last after twenty five years I finally had the confidence to do it.  
It was very daunting and at points it still is. Occasionally I still can't believe I've done it I am not a spontaneous person. I am so scared of change.
As the months went on we got more and more jobs and we are slowly building the business. 
We are very excited for the future and what it holds for us and all the new people we will meet and photograph. 
As they say 'mighty oaks from little acorns grow'.