Filtering by Tag: Bentley

There's something about Mary!

I first met Mary and Graham when they helped out with the wedding dress shoot we did in the September of last year. Mary wore her evening wedding dress for the shoot, the dress was made by Jennie West, who we were doing the shoot with. 

She contacted me in January to ask if I'd be happy to photograph her and Graham for their first anniversary in April. She wanted the chance to wear her wedding dress again ( who wouldn't want to wear their dress again). She'd be on Pinterest for ideas, picnic blankets and baskets, cute notes on chalk boards etc.  We had fun planning the day out. The problem was we needed a location where Mary could change into her dress, somewhere that was beautiful and quiet, you don't want everyone watching your photoshoot. I luckily enough have worked for a company called The Rolling Downs. They're beautiful shepherds huts that you can stay in, they are in the grounds of Bentley Wildfowl and Motor Museum near Lewes. The huts are a stunning back drop themselves, let a lone the gorgeous countryside around us. 

As we were approaching April we hoped that the snow and rain wouldn't blight their shoot day. We were so lucky as we had the most glorious day of sunshine on the shoot day. Jennie who made the dress came to help Mary get dressed into her stunning gown. Mary had bought balloons, a picnic basket and her chalk boards and her Mother-in-law had made a cake. We all had a lot of fun on a glorious Spring afternoon. 

I was very happy with the photographs and most importantly Mary and Graham we very happy too. They loved this very memorable way of spending their first anniversary. 

My daughter said to me that I was very lucky to share such happy events with people and then (with my photographs) be a part of their happy memories forever. 

The cutest photograph I've ever taken!

Last week I took photographs for one of our customers, The Rolling Downs.  They own the ultimate in 'glamping' shepherds huts that are housed at a place called Bentley Wildfowl and Motor Museum near Lewes in Sussex. 

The customer wanted me to take photographs of all that Bentley had to offer. Included in these is a motor museum, play park, cafe and train. In addition there are also wildfowl ponds. 

I have to say they were the most nonchalant birds I had encountered. They even stopped to pose for photographs instead of run dream! 

Amongst the bevy of birds was the cutest little Bar Headed gosling. It walk slowly passed me and even stopped, whist I was snapping, to pose for this shot. I have to say, It is one of my favourites I've ever taken. 

It's one of the things I love about photography, is that you never know whats going to happen and what photographs you will come away with.