Filtering by Tag: Rodmell

A Room of One's Own - Garden Huts shoot

I have done several jobs for this client and they contacted me in January to take photographs of their new venture. They had a couple of shepherds huts for people to stay in at nearby Bentley Wildfowl Museum and Gardens. Unfortunately Bentley has now closed, so my client decided to move the huts into their garden in Rodmell, so they can run a B&B from there. They asked me to take some external and internal photographs for their social media and online presence. I luckily had a bright, but cold day for the shoot. I also had the cutest helper and model in their labradoodle Maggie. It was lovely to be able to include her in the photographs as she bought a friendly and welcoming feeling to them.

Rodmell is a lovely location. It is on the South Downs Way walk. Rodmell is the village where Virgina Woolf and her husband Leonard lived, so you can visit her old home Monk House. It is also in close proximity to Charleston Farm House where her sister Virgina Bell lived and was the home of the Bloomsbury set.

There are three huts, a large blue one called Ouseside, a smaller green hut called Caburn and a luxurious bathroom hut, which has a beautiful roll top bath in it. Ouseside has a mini kitchen and en-suite bathroom with a shower. they both have double/king sized beds.

They are available to stay in from March and their facebook page is called Garden Huts or call them, if you fancy a visit to the Sussex countryside, 07941 133370.

Virginia Woolf

Today would have been Virginia Woolf's birthday. Google have chosen to honour the great novelist and feminist by make her their doodle of today, so I thought I would post my photographs taken at her home in Rodmell. The beautiful Monk House. 
I visited it a couple of times last year. It has such a warm and peaceful ambiance about it. The gardens are stunning and the house is full of amazing paintings by her sister Vanessa Bell and other members of the Bloomsbury group. 
Whilst we were there they had someone from the local amateur dramatic society perform from her last noel 'Between the Acts' , needless to say it just made the whole experience of being there even more immersive. 
I highly recommend you visit, especially if you are local to Lewes